Storytelling in ux

"Confessional tales are stories told in first person, which are focused on the experience of the author. This genre can be a useful way to introduce yourself to anew audience and make a connection to them"

I appreciate this approach because it allows for vulnerability. The audience set judgements aside and there tends to be an empathetic tone. I think comedians do a great job at this and are able to engage an audience without judgement.

"You can build context in just a few words, letting the audience fill in the details. All stories rely on our ability to fill in the blanks"

I find this interesting because it puts into context things we do as an audience while we are listening to stories. If it allows, the audience will then start asking questions for more context to a story. It is a strategic way to hook in an audience.

"The trick to adding imagery to a story lies in using just the right amount"

Seems like imagery can be a tricky recipe. The main ingredients are perspective, context and character. This can be done in multiple ways, but for the best result, I believe it goes back to knowing who is the audience.