Working with story arcs
Story arcs
What If...
Act I
- Rahn St Germain, son of We Care CEO, provides information to an underground health care organization called Empath, who oppose the robotic healthcare system
- Empath hacks into the We Care network and deliver viruses and bugs to disrupt the system
- Time after time, Empath succeeds in their missions
Act 2:
- Rahn gives information to Empath about a new clinical robot site that will be hosting a grand opening
- Empath organizes a mission and does not know that Rahn's father is in the building
- Rahn's father dies
Act 3:
- Empath pleads to Rahn that it was a coincidental death
- Rahn is put in a position to keep doing the work with Empath or to seek revenge
Read & Respond
"The scenarios are as most stories characterized by causality – an action from the user creates a reaction from the system, starting a new action from the user. To understand what makes the user act in the first place, it becomes important to understand what motivates the user."
This quote explains how most stories are written. When action is taken from the user, it affects the system or environment that the user is in. Nielson is suggesting that we must understand what motivates the user in order to design for them. Not just how a user will act with a product, but why they would act with the product. That gives designers insights to design.
“...'she feels happy' should be replaced with 'she smiles': that is the visual expression of the feeling. This forces the reader to imagine the transformation of visual information in the script."
This is extremely interesting because the choice of words, trigger how readers use their imagination to visualize what they just read. I never thought how changing some words gives the power to the reader to use their imagination. This is a skill I would like to practice.
"Looking at the person’s physiology, sociology and psychology provides an understanding of the motivations that lie behind his actions."
As storytellers, we must consider three human behavioral sciences to paint the pictures of our characters. It tells the readers why the characters acts as they do. It gives them a deep understanding of the influences of the characters behavior.